Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 1994/MARCH /21
Industry, in term of behavior, plays the role of the director of development movement and change mechanisms that govern the inputs and outputs of these sciences, professions, and functions. Reflecting upon this issue unveils that industry is the main touchstone and end of work for different professions. ( Available in Arabic )
During the last period, Egypt witnesses several positive phenomena that were nonexistent in the previous times. The most important of which was the formation of a legal progressive personality proved self-assertion during a very short time gaining a leading role in effecting and being affected by society. This legal personality is known as „Union of Egyptian Industrialists.“ This body began at the hands of a group of the pioneering industrialists endowed with sound economical and industrial visions, in addition to their great and international experience. This successful start marked the expansion of the industrial community base to represent an industrial progress that grows in tangible and promising rates. Indeed, this fruit is proudly recording the first success in the industrial behaviors in Egypt.

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