Small and medium industries constitute the base of hierarchical structure of industry everywhere and at any time. The development of feeding and small industries is an actual and real support for large industries. The more the size of the small and medium industries is, the higher the top of the industrial hierarchy will be without any disequilibrium, thus reaching the stage of boosting competitiveness, exports and the value-added of the Egypt’s industrial component. ( Available in Arabic )
The strategic goals pursued by the State and the Federation of Egyptian Industries can be summarized as follows: (1) fair distribution of the national income, taking into account the demographical and geographical distribution; (2) development of local savings to increase the investment rates; (3) boosting demand for local materials and then quality will be boosted when demand increased; (4) achieving a better balance of payments through the replacement of imports by local materials; (5) recycling industrial waste to be used in bigger industries; (6) securing good demand for national technology to open markets for cheap technologies, researches, and development that the local research centers can undertake by young researchers; and (7) approaching the re-exporting area as a step to full and integral exportation.