Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2003/FEBRUARY /24
Al-Wafd Newspaper 2003/FEBRUARY /18
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2003/FEBRUARY /26

Bayoumi called for accelerating the implementation of the Egyptian-European partnership agreement and stressed the requirement of implementing the industry modernization program. The importance of scientific research and development of the Egyptian industry is the foundation for achieving the government’s strategy aimed at the modernization of Egyptian industry.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Ambassador Gamal Bayoumi will meet with members of the German-Arab Chamber of Commerce to discuss regional and international challenges facing Egyptian industry. Bayoumi called for accelerating the implementation of the Egyptian-European partnership agreement and stressed the requirement of implementing the industry modernization program. Egypt receives the largest amount of aid from the European Union and any delay is not in its interest. He stressed the importance of unifying custom regulations in the Arab countries and of activating bilateral free trade agreements. The importance of scientific research and development of the Egyptian industry is the foundation for achieving the government’s strategy armed at the modernization of Egyptian industry.

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