
The current international and regional circumstances are changing, due to a prevailing tone of pessimism among us over many years, into an optimistic belief in the joint Arab economic action that will head forward to the establishment of an Arab economic structure that should indispensably be set up if we take the interest of the coming generations into account. ( Available in Arabic )
In fact, the major shifts in the world have resulted in a new distribution of economic forces, based on the economic positives in light of global production, liberalization of international trade and removing many obstacles to the movement of services, goods, information, capital and technology, even though some have reservations about a double-standard principle. This comes at a time when there is an active movement meant to deepen commercial and economic integration between different areas from the world. That is why the establishment of the Arab common market does not need a mere decision, but rater a short and long-run plan of action. The Arab world has all mechanisms needed for economic integration. We should immediately move to support these mechanisms to provide a strong economic infrastructure needed for the coming Arab generations.

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