Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2001/APRIL /01
The approval of the new standard specifications for a number of national products has raised discussion amongst relevant experts. Among discussion topics is the need to establish additional specifications for all national products; such has become a crucial necessity. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Ministry of Industry and Technological Development has approved a number of new specifications for the food, textiles and chemical sectors. Subsequently, joint specialized committees are now engaged in establishing new standard specifications for additional products. As a result, many experts are now involved in discussion related to the implementations of such specifications as their implementation has become a crucial necessity. Experts assert the necessity to develop the Egyptian standard specifications due to the demanding international industrial competition; whereby the specifications are seen as a tool for advancing our industry. They request that development begins by setting standard specifications on products that currently neglect any form of specifications thus far. Furthermore, experts say that it is not necessary for the Egyptian standard specifications to conform to the ISO specifications; rather, the ISO specifications can be utilized as a guide for the establishment of national specifications. In addition, Dr Nader Riad outlines the development process that should be followed, whilst Dr. Abdurrahman Awad discusses the issue of counterfeiting in depth.