Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/FEBRUARY /05
Two Egyptian ministers said Egypt’s development must be shouldered by three main actors. The first goals to meet are to provide education and solve people’s daily problems. Concerning education, initiatives have been taken to boost it. Moreover, the society must be freed of any form of discrimination. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Two Egyptian ministers talk about Egypt’s development. One of them singles out the government, NGOs and the private sector as the main actors to achieve this goal. As for the media, they, too, play a prominent role, but they must be more constructive and not just criticize or passively describe problems. A key element to development is education. Initiatives are being taken to boost it and to provide students with more qualifications and more chances to find a job. Finally, the contradictions of the Egyptian society (for example, discrimination) must be put an end to.