Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2005/JULY /18
Egypt’s factories are sometimes exposed to the risk of fires which could easily be avoided. Some blame the owners, others the workers and their lack of awareness. What everyone agrees on is that when it comes to industrial safety, Egypt still lags behind the developed world, also due to the fact that this country has no companies specialized in providing firefighting equipment.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Egypt’s factories are sometimes exposed to the risk of fires which could easily be avoided. Some specialists in the field blame owners‘ miserliness and lack of care for the firefighting measures that should be in place in their factories. Another reason is workers‘ poor awareness about the risk of fires in their workplace and the safety measures they should adopt. In terms of industrial safety, Egypt still lags behind the developed world, also due to the fact that this country has no company specialized in providing firefighting equipment. Some specialists put forward some alternatives; one of them is to use aircrafts to put out fires from the air, but not everyone agrees.