Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2008/MAY /18
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/MAY /18

An annual conference is going to discuss alternative and/or renewable sources of energy, as well as key topics concerning energy in Egypt in light of the international efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The world is intending to impose taxes on energy generation processes causing heat emissions. These taxes will be channeled to a fund for addressing the consequences of its effect, and it is said that there will be an increase in prices of heat emitting energy used in internal consumption equipment i.e. diesel, benzine engines, ships, aeroplanes and traditional power plants. Dc. Nader Raider stressed the importance of studing nuclear plant sites and providing qualified Egyptian staff employment, he is also rather concerned and feels further discussion and research needs to take place regarding the safe and stable handling and more importantly disposal of nuclear waste. An annual conference will take place to discuss alternative energy sources i.e. wind, solar and nuclear energies. Other topics to be discussed include: The location of nuclear plants, national security dimensions, economies responsible for pumping the generated power into the National Grid, the ability to modernize plants in the future, and that openess, transparency, mutual trust and accuracy of information are key factors conducive to winning the Egyptian public opinion.

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