ِAl-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2013/SEPTEMBER/16
Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2018/JUNE /04
The article stressed the importance of using caution in the state’s export policy because not all what is fit for export has positive impact in economic terms , as well as excessive in exporting raw materials without manufacturing representing a form of wasting resources and national wealth. The article discussed the importance of the added value in industrial products, and it took the example of phosphate ores , Egyptian Aluminum industries and others. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article explained that the local and global economy depend on the ability of the human mind in setting added value on raw materials and services in order to enhance its case and to increase his profitability which is considered useful for him and for his society. The article indicated to the exporting of the Egyptian Aluminum Industries in the form of alloy blocks, in reality what is exported is electric power, the article called for the need of reducing the export of these blocks and the gradual transition in exporting Aluminum in the form of long profiles. The article refers to the economic waste represented in exporting material as it is including: petroleum as its great part is exported in the raw form without refining.