This document focuses on helping and supporting women in the era of President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, who repeatedly called for activating the efforts for integrating women into development and initiating their role. President Mubarak was keen on setting up the National Council for Women (NCW) and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), both chaired by Egypt’s First Lady, Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak. The two councils exert great efforts to promote women’s economic, social and political conditions. The document also discusses the role played by the National Democratic Party (NDP) in promoting the conditions of women during the previous two decades. (Available in Arabic- German in PDF)

The document discusses the NDP’s government plan of action for supporting women and children development programs, such as Egypt’s endorsement of most international agreements and conventions on the protection of women and children, the issuance of the Egyptian Child Law number 12 for 1996 and development programs for women with a five-year plan 2002/07. There are some noteworthy indicators in this regard, such as reducing illiteracy rates among women during the past two decades and decreasing differences between males and females in the three stages of education (primary, preparatory and secondary). Among these important indicators is the end of the gap between the numbers of males and females in secondary education, the increase of females enrolled in practical faculties, the reduction of maternal mortality, the increase of women’s participation in the labor market and the increase of the number of women assuming high-ranking positions.

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