This paper discusses a number of topics: the question of Palestine and Egypt – Egypt and the issue of Iraq – Egypt and the reform of the Arab system – situation in Egypt and Sudan – Egypt and Africa – Egypt and the issue of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East – Egypt and the international initiatives for reform – Egypt and the organizations of international civil society organizations. ( Available in Arabic )

National Democratic Party believes in the importance of a foreign policy designed primarily to strengthen the Egyptian national interests and objectives of internal development and reform programs in all areas and directions , which emanates from the party on foreign policy, including the conviction of Egypt’s regional role imposed by the leading facts of history and geography , a role maintained during the critical periods and stages which this region has undergone , periods of political volatility and adversity, as all attempts undertaken with the aim to try to destabilize the development of Egypt or to diminish her role, the obvious reasons for this failure being that it denies the facts of history and ignores the geographic realities.

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