President Hosni Mubarak opened the annual conference of the National Democratic Party, which was held from 21-23 September 2004 under the banner of,“ new philosophy and reform priorities. “ ( Available in Arabic )

Thursday saw the first public meeting addressed by Mr. Gamal Mubarak, Secretary of the policy, a report on the policy issues taken up by the Supreme Council of the policies and subcommittees, and the following day a public meeting was held dealing with the conservation of agricultural land and urban growth, then another public meeting was held during which Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister pronounced the word of the government in the last day Dr. Zakaria Azmi, the Secretary of Financial and Administrative Affairs reported on the financial situation and the adoption of the budget for 2005. The conference discussed over three days working papers on economic orientation – Egypt and the world – the rights of citizenship and democracy – Transportation – Education – Health – Women – young people .Dr. Nader Riad participated in the activities of the conference over these three days.

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