The Tertiary National Seminar on Employment Policy in Egypt will convene on October 12 & 13, 2004, to discuss the outcomes of researches carried out by Egyptian academicians, under the auspices of the ILO. The Seminar will include government representatives, social associates, academicians and a number of public figures concerned. ( Available in Arabic )

At the outset of 2003, the ILO embarked on implementing a review drawn up by its mission that visited Cairo earlier in 2002. The mission had come up with a memo, designing the broad lines of the approach to be adopted in the process of reviewing the employment policy in Egypt. The main objective of the seminar is to furnish policy-makers with useful elements in formulating the employment policy, capable of creating productive job opportunities and raising the level of productivity, while curbing poverty. Also, discussions and conclusions of the seminar might hopefully contribute to the formulation of a national work plan for youth employment. Furthermore, the seminar is expected to define a number of new domains that call for research on appropriate procedures for the employment policy.

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