This paper discusses the provision of adequate housing for citizens, as being one of the most important goals of the party and its government in the context of their work towards the achievement of meeting the aspirations of the citizen and their rights and needs, by means the three main axes starting with urban planning followed by the construction and supply processes . ( Available in Arabic )

The party as stated in the paper also raises the issue of potable water and sanitation. Being one of the main determinants of the quality of housing, and which are consistent with the aspirations and needs of the Egyptian citizen. The Party and the government have prepared an integrated strategy, bearing in mind the President’s electoral program, This strategy addresses specific objectives to be taken up by the Government for implementation , a summary of the overall objectives of the strategy are as follows: The completion of the preparation of the strategic general plans and the physical construction of all the Egyptian villages within 3 years – increasing the populated area (by means of the development desert background of the cities and villages) (the program of the new village – 400 villages on the desert background ) – emphasizing the role of the General Authority for Urban Planning, as the sole responsible for the adoption of all development schemes in all urban cities and villages of existing and new development schemes to ensure integration at all levels – to develop the capabilities of devices at the local level to carry out the process of implementing the management and updating the plan in collaboration with the General Authority for Urban Planning – Preparation of an integrated program for the development of slums, focused on the development of a strategy to limit the growth of new slums in parallel with the development and implementation of a plan to deal gradually with the existing slums .

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