Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Industrial development session, in which Minister of Industry, Trade & SMEs, Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, was present, has witnessed fruitful discussions and important issues. The session has been hold at “Egypt, Road to Future” conference organized by Akhbar Alyoum from 7-9 September 2014 and was administered by Dr. Eng. Nader Riad, the president of the Confederation of Egyptian European business associations (CEEBA). Many Industry men and businessmen delivered speeches at the session.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)

The session has addressed a number of subjects related to enhancing competitive capacity of the Egyptian industries, encouraging the export approach, expanding of Export Support Program – commitment to provide energy in its different forms, electric, fluid, gas and solid – postponing the matter of imposing any new taxes or fees until the Industrial sector recover – enhancing and enabling the laws which give the Egyptian industries favorable advantage against the imported goods – tightening the control over the trafficked goods because trafficking is a real threat to the domestic and local industry – studying the cases of troubled and stumbled factories – establishing a special registry for the small and micro-sized enterprises- training and industrial qualification on its vertical and horizontal levels – providing industry lands suitable and compatible with the upcoming industrial renaissance – finding a financing approach for the industries of favorable advantage. Attending speakers included, lieutenant General/ AbdelAziz Seif Eldin, President of Arab Organization for Industrialization – Dr. Raouf Ghabbour, Chairman of board of directors and CEO of Ghabour group of companies – Eng. Hamdy AbdelAziz, president of Engineering Industries’ Chamber in the Federation of Egyptian Industries – Eng. Madgy AlManzalay, member of boards of the Federation of Egyptian Industries – Eng. Walid Helal, president of Egyptian Manufacturers Association – Dr. Sherif Elgebaly, president of Chemical Industries Chamber in the Federation of Egyptian Industries – Dr. Magdy Alba, Pharmaceutical Cosmetics & Appliances in the Federation of Egyptian Industries – Dr. Ahmed El-Ezaby, pharmaceutical expert.

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