Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 1996/DECEMBER /09
This is a study that sheds light on an important determinant for economic development, namely “waste” in Egyptian potentials & resources, given its great and grave negative impact on the Egyptian economy. ( Available in Arabic )
Waste is manifest in several aspects of our life, such as unemployed human resources, accumulation of goods in ports, wasted irrigation water, wasted drinking water, unused available loans, absence of recycling processes, lack of maintenance of equipment and machinery, utilization of worn-out equipment and machinery, unexploited railway network in transport of goods, wasted raw materials due to lack of training and awareness, wasted electrical energy and unexploited clean and cheap solar energy, huge waste of agricultural commodities, unexploited scientific cadres, empty housing units, in spite of crushing housing crisis, lack of awareness on environmental protection, traffic jams and consequent waste of time and energy and, finally, violations of basic human rights that ultimately lead to an economic waste.