Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2012/MAY /21
Al-Mosaour Magazine 2011/OCTOBER /05
In his article “The army remains homeland’s armor and Sword”, Dr. Nader Riad emphasized that the fact of events in respect of its practical experiment has added to the armed forces an original renewed role, that is, to remain a governor between parties where it avoids chaos of situations and overcome it in the suitable time in necessary resolution and power. He should preserve legislation and protect it against whatever enmity attack that it may suffer as well as preservation of constitution. The article delivers a greeting to Great Egyptian army that proved continuously that it is the home land’s armor and sword with no any other alternative and challenging for all darkness forces. .(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article proposed a number of short messages to the Military council in a view that is ruled by the economical and industrial view for what takes place locally with no disregard of world tracking… Its meaning is: working for closure of tunnels and organization of goods circulation in coordination of Palestinian authority throughout legislative windows – sticking to international agreements and treaties with no approach to it from any of its parties because this is a risky way in the full sense of the word – return of discipline and overcoming harshly hands of bullying aspects, attacking citizens and terrorizing them. No one would mind application of emergency act and military rules against this kind of crimes as long as these crimes form a specific phenomenon in addition to be keen on tracking issues of economic nature to specialized economic courts in order not to issue criminal or civilian rules that would be hard to be executed.