Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2009/AUGUST /16

This article discusses the effects of the global financial crisis, which produced unprecedented global economic deterioration, and the fact that it is also a regional crisis. When the global crisis erupted, it swept the entire world by storm. But when it is time to fade away, it will not leave the world countries one by one, according to each country’s role and size of economy.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
This article discusses the effects of the global financial crisis, which produced unprecedented global economic deterioration, and the fact that it is also a regional crisis. When the global crisis erupted, it swept the entire world by storm. But when it is time to fade away, it will not leave the world countries one by one, according to each country’s role and size of economy. European countries like Germany, France, and Russia as emerging and strong growth nations are the world’s most likely nations to overcome the crisis. The US and Japan, however, will need longer times to recover. Dr. Nader Riad stated that one of the positive effects of the global crisis is the decline of oil, gas, petrochemicals, fuels, iron and metal prices. This positively reflects, from the dollars-and-cents points of view, on consumers and the sophisticated industries. It will have tangible positive effects on some countries and negative ones on others.

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