Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/SEPTEMBER/19

The Minister of Culture presented his resignation to terminate his position after the fire in Beni Soueif. Accepting this resignation suggests that other ministers and heads of departments should also resign due to the crimes being committed under their supervision. The Minister of Culture is requested to continue serving in this post.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Minister of Culture presented his resignation to terminate his position after the fire in Beni Soueif. The Minister is accepting the burden and responsibility of the incident. Negligence and lack of discipline are responsible for the crime. Accepting the resignation of the Minister of Culture would suggest that other ministers and heads of departments should resign due to the crimes committed under their supervision. The Minister of Culture is requested to continue serving in this post. He managed to restore the Egyptian cultural position on the map and has earned the right for Egypt to demand its stolen antiquities.

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