Al-Ahram Newspaper 2004/OCTOBER /03

As Germany is passing currently with a number of economic hardships, the reason for this situation is basically the cost which the Western German tax payer had to pay to rebuild East Germany on the economic, industrial and social grounds. Germany is currently trying to get out of the narrow nationalist sphere which colored its past towards an era of openness and liberalization to join a global framework where all its members seek justice, peace and equality. ( Available in Arabic )
The relation between Egypt and Germany has a special character especially starting with the strong friendship that linked late President Anwar el Sadat and the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. If we look around, we would find many German institutions having a lot of activities in various fields. For instance, the educational cooperation has been crowned by the establishment of the German University. As Germany is passing currently with a number of economic hardships, the reason for this situation is basically the cost which the Western German tax payer had to pay to rebuild East Germany on the economic, industrial and social grounds. This is typically what is happening now after the accession of the East European countries to the EU. Germany is currently trying to get out of the narrow nationalist sphere which colored its past towards an era of openness and liberalization to join a global framework where all its members seek justice, peace and equality.

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