Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2004/JANUARY /27
Checks are no longer as trusted as they used to be. This has slowed down deals on the markets while increasing the need for liquidity. Dr. Nader Riad believes it is time for checks to regain their credibility and prestige, as they can play a very important role on the market provided that they are used rationally. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Checks play a very important role on the market. They can reduce the amount of liquidity circulating in the society, making it possible to carry out big deals and sales more swiftly. Yet, checks have recently lost their credibility and trustworthiness among dealers. This slowed down the markets and, consequently, led to stagnation. Dr. Nader Riad believes it is time to help checks regain their prestige, provided that their monetary equivalent is paid on maturity day and that they are used rationally.