Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2008/MAY /02
Al-Watany Al-Yum Newspaper 2008/MAY /20

At the ceremony of the country’s trending to the issue of the new traffic law in order to cope with the new status which have become necessary for coping with the age and its needs at a time in which rates of accidents where blood of innocents is staining roads have increased. The article has discussed a number of important axes so that to be included in the new law. The article has referred to the necessity of the role of insurance companies union in respect of new traffic law in regulation of insurance mechanism of transport activities in consider that they are life arteries of Egyptian industry on one hand especially being one of development tools of modern country.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The article has referred to the positive influence of what had come out of traffic law in respect of the condition of having a fire extinguisher in each vehicle so that to be licensed where insurance companies registries have proved the decrease of losses compensations value to 10% in a range more than what it has been before law application, in addition to the important influence in respect of relieving the load of local and central extinguishing and civil defense administrations as a result of the decrease of reports of vehicles fires cases on roads and in garages as well as tunnels since combat of vehicles fires on roads despite its increasing number, is taken over successfully within the first minutes as soon as such fires take place throughout the aid of passing by vehicles. Therefore the article has clarified that the matter doesn’t need to clarify the great importance of the issue of new specified licenses for lorry vehicles according to their specialized activity nature since that is considered an urgent and necessary demand for what features such movable materials as well as their nature, the degree of their risks and their environmental influences, majors that can be specifically divided into: transport of containers measuring from 20 cubic feet to 40 cubic feet – handling and transport of liquids and gases in tanks – transport of radioactive substances – overcoming increasing speeds on highways – Speed limitation devices.

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