Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2005/SEPTEMBER/02
Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who continued in office for 16 years or four terms in office, was unanimously considered by the German people the best person who assumed this position. In addition to several positive leaps his country witnessed at the economic, social and political aspects, Kohl was the architect of the German unity.( Available in Arabic )
Amid Helmut Kohl’s preoccupation with his victories and achievements at the national and European levels, he forgot something important: to communicate with the masses. This great man failed to win a fifth term in office. When he was asked, “Why have you lost elections?” He bowed his head and answered, “I have been preoccupied with my success in work and my national and regional victories. I have not paid enough attention to communication with the masses, considering my achievements sufficient to win elections without the need to exert further efforts to communicate with the masses.” In fact, Kohl mentioned a truth that may not be conceived by some of us: the long successive terms in office should not divert any official, no matter how successful he may be, from developing a plan of action to every term in office fitting each phase.