Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2004/SEPTEMBER/16
Our professors at the faculties of engineering and the sections of production engineering and industrial engineering taught us (industrial engineers) that self-sufficiency and industrial integration are the two best tools for industry development. We saw companies purchasing feeding industries and others expanding their self-services. We also saw new activities in industries that used to operate thanks to the success of their countries. These activities play as subunits designed for cleaning, guarding, garbage collection, car maintenance and providing food for workers through new administrations. Years later, this will lead to the dropping of all the essential issues pertinent to cost and revenue. The matter will worsen when it reaches the stage of „administrative weakness“ in controlling the quality of these operations. ( Available in Arabic )
We need no deep thinking to realize that the industrial service market is like any other open market where competitors compete with each other over the quality and price of services as well as providing the services timely, something which is positive. Dissatisfaction about food, maintenance, garbage collection, guard or cleaning needs nothing but to change the resource, which can be done within one day or one week at most. This, accordingly, will spare us from going through the economically deteriorating tunnel, which is represented in increasing the salaries of workers in these non-productive activities and creating mounting social, medical and insurance burdens in return for ill-serving, which is a natural result of the old age of those workers. In many economic activities, some industrial companies wised up to that fact and relied on foreign suppliers in internal and external cleaning, equipment maintenance, car maintenance, food provision, security, guard and garbage collection. This helped make success of that theory on the implementation level.