Al-Ahram Al-Arabi Magazine 2006/OCTOBER /28
At a gathering attended by many prominent Egyptian and European businessmen and officials, Dr. Nader Riad, newly-elected chairman of the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations (CEEBA), set out the CEEBA’s main objectives and activities for next year. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
At a ceremony attended by many prominent Egyptian and European businessmen and officials, Dr. Nader Riad was appointed chairman of the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Associations (CEEBA). This was also an occasion to discuss how to maximize the EU €1 billion grants to Egypt and how the CEEBA could attract more investments and technology to the country. Dr. Riad, for his part, outlined the Confederation’s main objectives and gatherings for next year, stressing those meetings would also aim to promote tourism, boost exports and create job opportunities for the Egyptians.