Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /15

The Meeting of the Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Association sought the need to transform Alexandria into the Euromed capital. In addition, the Chairman of the Confederation announces the finalization of a comprehensive program. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Confederation of Egyptian-European Business Association is in the process of finalizing a comprehensive program aimed at attracting investments and boosting exports. The following four factors are the framework of the program: development of human resources, protection of the environment and energy consumption, activating the role of a confederation and New Valley to be equal with Alexandria. The Governor of the Confederation is working toward transforming Alexandria into the capital of Euromed countries, whilst resolving various obstacles and developing its ports. Such an establishment has been described as a giant leap in the history of Egyptian-European economic relations. Furthermore, the joint Egyptian-European dialogue has been supported by the Alexandria Confederation Branch, in addition to the welcome of opinions on open issues. An action plan for the next five years has been successfully agreed upon by the Confederation and European corporations, whilst several conferences shall be held in regards to various matters involving exportation.

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