Rozelyosf Magazine 1994/DECEMBER /19
In this article Chemist Adel el Danaf, Board Director for the Holding Company of Mineral Industries, says that consumer protection is a vital issue which requires swift action to demolish the destructive phenomenon of abusing consumers. This requires establishing associations and organizations for consumer protection against any sort of irresponsible illegal practice.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In this article Chemist Adel el Danaf, Board Director for the Holding Company of Mineral Industries, says that consumer protection is a vital issue which requires swift action to demolish the destructive phenomenon of abusing consumers. This requires establishing associations and organizations for consumer protection against any sort of irresponsible illegal practice. Many leaders in the industries expressed their concerns about developing the Egyptian economy. Mounir Abdel Nour demands that the supervision by the official authorities must be based on mutual trust and thus it should be a joint action for both the supervising authorities, and the producer himself to improve and develop the final product. He also calls for sound, enlightened, and honest supervision that would be aiming at serving the interests of both the producer and the consumer.