Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2005/JULY /30
Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/AUGUST /02

In this article, Dr. Nader Riad, consultant for the Industrial Committee of the People’s Assembly, emphasized that the educational process was the most significant input of the industrial sector. It represented its axis of development and the governing factor in the industry’s capacity to compete globally. This is because there is an urgent need now, more than ever before, to modernize educational syllabuses and specializations to achieve harmonization with European educational programs.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Dr. Nader Riad, consultant for the Industrial Committee of the People’s Assembly, emphasized that the educational process was the most significant input of the industrial sector. It represented its axis of development and the governing factor in the industry’s capacity to compete globally. This is because there is an urgent need now, more than ever before, to modernize educational syllabuses and specializations to achieve harmonization with European educational programs. During the meeting, discussions included mechanisms to develop technical institutes and the different specializations at the institute that can be linked to small projects and industries. Members also discusses the opening of new channels to some of the traditional specializations through effective training to acquire new skills required, along with tying that trend and the training to the educational process.

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