Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper 2007/MAY /02

The article says the U.S. government listed Egypt among the countries that violate intellectual property rights. It has also threatened the Arab countries to take punitive action against the use of cheap medicines as opposed to expensive American medicines, which was viewed as an attempt to protect the profits made by American pharmaceutical companies. But the President of the American Chamber of Commerce said the matter should be resolved amicably. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article says the U.S. government listed Egypt among the countries that violate intellectual property rights. It has also threatened the developing nations, including the Arab countries, to take punitive action against the use of cheap medicines as opposed to expensive American medicines, which was viewed as an attempt to protect the profits made by American pharmaceutical companies. But Dr. Taher Helmy, the President of the American Chamber of Commerce, said the matter should be discussed amicably so as to remove differences of points of view.

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