Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/AUGUST /10

In summer, many fires can break out in factories as a result of human mistakes and unawareness, along with the heat wave. Firefighting measures are essential, but sometimes investors and project owners tend to turn a blind eye on them. Two experts in this field talk about insurance against fire and the measures to be adopted to fight these kind of accidents. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In summer, many fires can break out in factories as a result of human mistakes and unawareness, along with the heat wave. Firefighting measures are essential. Some of them are manual, while others are automatic and/or included in the very structure of the building, as these measures must be able to protect not only from fires, but also from smoke, heat and other related factors. Unfortunately, according to two experts in this field, many investors do not care very much about safety, and choose very cheap insurance which eventually will not cover all the damage that a fire may bring about. Moreover, inspections inside their factories can only be carried out when the latter are inaugurated. As for insurance policies, they can cover all kinds of damage caused by fires, heat, smoke and other similar or related factors, but their scope can vary.

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