Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/SEPTEMBER/08

There are multiple reasons for the outbreak of a fire, yet the outcomes are similar: the potential loss of life and property. Newspapers today rarely lack a daily dose of catastrophes due to natural gas or exploding gas cylinders. Dangers caused by the gas cylinder take place daily. However, the spread of natural gas pipes, which is a requirement for development of a civilization, yet without having fire extinguishers at every home, national catastrophe, will inevitably follow. I was surprised to find that Egyptian codes of protection from fires came 20 years after the same codes were introduced in the Emirates.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
There are multiple reasons for the outbreak of a fire, yet the outcomes are similar: the potential loss of life and property. Newspapers today rarely lack a daily dose of catastrophes due to natural gas or exploding gas cylinders. Dangers caused by the gas cylinder take place daily. However, the spread of natural gas pipes, which is a requirement for development of a civilization, yet without having fire extinguishers at every home, national catastrophe, will inevitably follow. I was surprised to find that Egyptian codes of protection from fires came 20 years after the same codes were introduced in the Emirates. There is a need to reconsider the safety and security procedures as well as enforce protective conditions in order to secure natural gas zones. It will also alleviate the burden on civil protection agencies. Providing a means of protection against fire as well as most dangers resulting from natural gas pipes has become indispensable. It has become a national requirement and necessity that would stop this overwhelming loss in people and property.

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