Alqarar Al Masry Newspaper 2014/OCTOBER /12

Dr. Nader Riad represents an exciting mixture of a thinker, who can see beyond the image and beyond the events, a manufacturer who adores his career and respects his employees, and a devoted patriot who always seeks the best for his country future. This is what Mr. Momen Maged, Al Qara Al Masry “Egyptian Decision” Newspaper Editor in-chief, wrote about Dr. Eng. Nader Riad under the title, „Profile“. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The editor in-chief wrote in brief the trip of work and struggle for more than 40 years. The editor in-chief wrote: “Dr. Nader Riad held many positions that need a whole book to include them all. Yet, the most prominent and the most similar to his character was the presidency of the committee of Deepening the Domestic Manufacturing in the Federation of Egyptian Industries and the presidency of the Arab Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, in which he was recently unanimously re-elected. The presidency of Dr. Nader Riad of the Arab Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights has been a proof that he is such high profile thinker, who see the whole picture and of a deep sight, because the protection of intellectual property is the main obstacle Egypt and the Arab World shall face within the next ten years. The acquisition of the mother company in Germany is an irrefutable proof that Dr. Nader Riad is the manufacturer who adores his career and respects his workers.”

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