Name & Title Name & Title
Dr. Ahmed Fathy Srour
President of People’s Council
Dr. Yousef Botros Ghaly
Minister-Economy & Foreign Trade
Dr. Ali Elsaidy
Minister- Industry &Technological Development
Dr. Hassan Khedr
Minister- Supplies & Internal Trade
Dr. Mohamed Elghamrawy
President-Investment Organization
Dr. Mofied Shehab
Minister- High Education & Scientific Research
Dr. Mokhtar Khataab
Minister-Holding Companies
Dr. Mokhtar Khataab
Minister-Holding Companies
Dr. Fayza Abu Elnaga
Minister-State Foreign Affairs
Dr. Ahmed Goewily
Secretary General-Arab Economic Union Council
Dr. Osama Elbaz
Political Consultant to the President
General Hitler Tantawy
Administrative Control Authority (Governmental anti – corruption)
Mr. Farouk Hosni
Minister of Culture
Ambassador Gamal Baioumy
Assistant to Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador Abdel Raouf El-Reedy
Chairman –Mubarak Public Library
Dr. Venice Kamel Gouda
Ex- Minister for Scientific Research
Dr. Mahmoud Mohy Eldin
President –National Party Economic Committee
Dr. Nadia Makram Ebeed
Ex- Minister of Environment
Consultant Mahmoud Abou- Ellil
Giza Governor
Dr. Tarek Srour
Dr. Fouad Eskandar
Ex- Minister of Immigration
Eng. Mohamed AdbElwahab
Ex -Minister of Industry
Dr. Mostafa Elfeky
President-National Party Foreign Affairs Committee
Dr. Zahy Hawaas
Secretary General: Archeological High Council
Dr. Ibrahim El-Sebaay
Ex- President-Engineering Industries Holding Co.
Eng. Adel Elmoozy
President-Chemical Industries Holding Co.
Mr. Hussein Abd El-Aziz
President of the National Bank of Egypt
Dr. Ismail Osman
Ex- President of the German- Arab Chamber for Industry & Trade
Dr. Abd El-Moneim Seowdy
President-Federation of Egyptian Industries
Dr. Alaa Ezz
Consultant to President & Federation of Egyptian Industries
Dr. Gehaad Nasr
German-Arab Chamber for Industry & Commerce
Dr. Bahaa Eldein Helmy
President Misr International Bank – Ex- President Misr Bank
Dr. Hassan Gomeay
Legal Expert
Mr. Shafik Boghdady
Representative-Federation of Egyptian Industries
Mr. Mounir Fakhry Abd El-Nour
Secretary General- Wafd Party
Eng. Salem Mashhour
Chairman: Egyptian Co. for Trade &Consultancy ELECTRA
Mr. Khaled Abu Ismail
President – General Federation for Chambers of Commerce
Mr. Mohamed Shafik Gabr
Chairman ARTOC Group
Mr. Gamal El- Nazer
President Egyptian Businessmen Association
Mr.Mounir Ghabbour
Chairman-Sonesta Hotel
Mr. Mohamed Farid Khamis
Chairman-Oriental Weaver
Dr. Yomn Elhamaky
Member-State Council
Dr. Hosam Badrawy
Chairman-Nile Badrawy Hospital Secretary Business Sector at National Party
Eng. Mohy Eldin Abou Alam
Ex- Chairman-Engineering Industries Holding Co.
Dr. Ibrahim Fawzy
President-Investment Organization – Ex- Minister of Industry
Dr. Ali El-Nagaar
Secretary General-National Accreditation Council
Mrs. Aza Kandil
German-Arab Chamber for Industry & Commerce
Dr. Mohamed Shafik
President-Research Development Center
Mrs. Enaam Youssef
German School in Cairo
Dr. Eng. Mahmoud Issa
President-General Organization for Standardization and Quality Control
Dr. Louis Bishara
Eng. Ali El-Sawah
Ex- Chairman-Engineering Industries Holding Co.
Dr. George Amin
Chairman-LUNA Co.
Eng. Samy Saad
Mr. Samir Ragab
Chairman-Editing House for Printing and Publishing
Mr. Hosni Gendi
Chairman-AlAhram Weekly
Mr.Essam Refaat
Chairman-AlAhram Economic Magazine
Mr. Saeed Sonbol
Ex- Chairman & Editor of Akhbar El Youm Newspaper
Mr. Galal Dewidar
Editor in Chief-ALAKHBAR Newspaper
Mr. Osama Gheith
Vice-Editor in Chief-ALAHRAM Newspaper
Mr. Anis Mansour
Mr. Abd Elnaser Aref
Reporter at AlAhram Newspaper
Mr. Emad Adeeb
Chairman-Good News Co.
Mrs. Magda Barsoum
Mr. Peter Geopfrish
CEO-German-Arab Chamber for Industry & Commerce
Dr. Morsy Saad Eldin