Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2010/OCTOBER /31

German Unity is now 20 years old. The fall of the Berlin Wall was unforgettable with media broadcasting thousands of German people embracing one another. The German reunification treaty was a birth certificate for pan-European unity. The European Union birth certificate signaled the Soviet Union’s demise and opened the gateway for expansion in the European Unity to include 27 European countries from the east and west of Europe. The European mentality is driven by the language of economy and development.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Today’s Europe, with German Unity being 20 years old, is an economic entity capable of emerging as a third global superpower between the East and the West with equal might, influence and international benefits. Egyptian-German relations have become deeply entrenched over the years as a model to be imitated in terms of political maturity, economic awareness, future vision and paying attention to the basics of human development. Germany has a great history that should be imitated by anyone seeking to achieve success as hard work and work devoid of anything but quality is the only way for a stable and lasting success. The Egyptian and German political leadership work hard at promoting Egyptian-German relations targeting what is good for the two countries.

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