Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/JUNE /22

There can be no development without protecting intellectual property rights and boosting private investments. This is the aim of the Arab Federation for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (AFPIPR). It has achieved many important results so far, yet more has to be done in a world witnessing many energetic, political and economic transformations. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
There can be no development without protecting intellectual property rights and boosting private investments. After reviewing the history of intellectual property, Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman of the Arab Federation for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (AFPIPR), talks about the goals, the achievements and the activities of this federation. He then touches on the energetic, political and economic changes the world is currently witnessing. Finally, he stresses the importance of forming a powerful economic union in the Arab world to boost development, also in light of the many other unions across the planet.

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