
This article discusses resolutions that were confirmed and implemented by Said Al Alfy, Chairman of the Consumer Protection Authority. Mr. Alfy confirmed The Committee for Engineering Commodities and Appliances which includes 11 members on its committee including Dr. Riad. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
This article discusses resolutions that were confirmed and implemented by Said Al Alfy, Chairman of the Consumer Protection Authority. Mr. Alfy confirmed The Committee for Engineering Commodities and Appliances which includes Mohamed El Shishtawy, Dr. Ahmed Fikry Adbel Wahab, Mahmoud Khattab, Abu Bakr Sedki Adbel Aziz, Samir Kamel Mohamed, Ahmed Hasanien El Wakkad, Col. Alaa Azmy, Dr. Mostafa Adbel Aziz, Dr. Farouk El Baz, and Dr. Kamal Abed. Committee duties include receipt and examination of citizen complaints through the Consumer Protection Authority. They must also provide technical support to the industry if there are any defects in products when may cause harm to the consumer as well as the environment.

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