Al-Ahram Al-Massaee Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /15

Egypt receives some €1 billion funds and grants from the EU, and economic ties between the two parties are strong. Yet, more efforts are needed to boost bilateral relations even further in different economic fields. Egypt’s business community is going to hold several meetings in Europe next year for this purpose. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A fast-breaking meal in Alexandria was the chance to talk about Egypt-EU economic relations. Alexandria Governor pledged support for developmental projects in Egypt and praised businesses for creating stronger ties between Egypt and the EU. Egypt receives some €1 billion funds and grants from the EU and it benefits, more generally, from Mediterranean cooperation and policies. More has to be done, though. Several meetings are scheduled in the EU between the two parties’ business communities. On the agenda are development of human resources, modern technology to boost production quality, resources and the environment, and the role of the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA).

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