Al-Mosaour Magazine 2007/NOVEMBER /30

The article says 30% of the fire extinguishers on the market are fraudulent. They are produced by workshops that fill them with flammable material that causes them to explode. So instead of putting down a fire, they help it spread more. It says that 27 such workshops were seized by the Supply Investigation Authority just last year alone. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The article talks about the fact that 30% of the fire extinguishers on the market are fraudulent. They are produced by workshops that fill them with flammable material that causes them to explode. So instead of putting down a fire, they help it spread more. It says that 27 such workshops were seized by the Supply Investigation Authority just last year alone, and that these will not be the last, as more of them are expected to continue doing the same.

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