Al-Ahram Newspaper 2005/NOVEMBER /06
The world is witnessing several dangerous diseases, climate change and environmental problems. Some heavy damage occurring worldwide is related to these phenomena. There is the possibility to get insured against it, yet the fundamental problem remains. How to tackle climate and environmental change? After illustrating Egypt’s case and efforts over the past decades, Nader Riad affirms that this problem can be tackled only through international concerted efforts.(Available in Arabic –German in PDF )
The world is witnessing several dangerous diseases, climate change and environmental problems. An insurance expert says there is insurance against accidents and damage caused by climate or nature, provided that the specific source of the damage is known. This sort of insurance is available in Egypt, too, yet companies do not resort to it very much. Nader Riad ascribes many of the current environmental changes to human actions. Water sources and the air are becoming more and more polluted, both in the developed and the developing world, and time has definitely come for strong concerted action at the international level. Egypt, according to Mr. Riad, started dealing with its environmental problems decades ago, and some tangible results are visible today. He believes, though, that state bodies are still not sufficiently equipped or qualified to tackle environmental degradation.