In his Conversation with “Al Ahram El Mesaey”:Dr. Nader Riad: Social equity starts with providing work opportunities for young people
29/09/2015 Al-Ahram Al-Massaee Newspaper 2015/SEPTEMBER/29 In an interview with...
In the attendance of his holiness pope Tawadros: El Kiraza Magazine interviews with Dr. Nader Riad
30/01/2015 Journal of evangelism 2015/JANUARY /30 He is the...
In his interview to the newspaper of “world of insurance”, Dr. Nader Riad: Egypt have capabilities of achieving major success
08/12/2013 Alam El Tamin 2013/DECEMBER /08 The security of...
“In a dangerous status” dialogue with Dr. Nader Riad to Watani News paper
20/10/2013 Watany Newspaper 2013/OCTOBER /20 Watani News Paper began...
In his interview with “Al Alam Al Youm”: We pursue to benefit from 22 billion Euro provided by the European Union in producing the renewable energy.
15/04/2013 Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2013/APRIL /15 Dr. Nader Riad,...
Al Akhbar interviews Dr. Nader Riad, the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA) President
12/03/2013 Al-Akhbar Newspaper 2013/MARCH /12 When you interviews a...
In his interview to Al Alam El youm: Individual competition is a fundamental condition of proper dealing with Europeans
19/11/2012 Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2012/NOVEMBER /19 On the margin...
In his Interview: the flaming events of Maspero Copts Businessmen will not leave Egypt
16/10/2011 Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2011/OCTOBER /16 Dr. Nader Riad...
Bavaria’s New Branches in Austria, Holland Open Soon
12/10/2010 Dr. Nader Riad, Board Chairman of Bavaria-Egypt Company...
An interview conducted by Al-Yaum Al-Sabi newspaper with Dr. Riad
03/11/2009 Al Youm El Sabe'a News paper 2009/NOVEMBER /03...
Dr. Nader Riad An industrialist with great ideals
15/09/2009 Dorat Al Heat Magazine 2009/SEPTEMBER/15 Dr. Nader Riad...
The President of the Arab Federation for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights to Al Ahram
01/06/2009 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2009/JUNE /01 Dr. Nader Riad talks...
The Tragedy of ” Al Shura” reveals The Collapse Of The System of “Anticipated Prevention “Against Fire-breakout
25/08/2008 Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2008/AUGUST /25 The Shura Council...
Dr. Nader Riad: Lack of planning and awareness undermines industry
01/07/2008 Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2008/JULY /01 Who is this...
16 Arab Countries members of the Arab Federation for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (AFPIPR)
22/06/2008 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/JUNE /22 There can be no...
09/09/2007 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2007/SEPTEMBER/09 The Arab Federation for the...
El Mesaa forum hosted this week Dr. Nader Riad,
31/12/2006 Al - Masaa 2006/DECEMBER /31 The Al Mesaa...
The Common Arab Market is a Necessity to Face the Era of Economic Blocs
28/10/2006 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /28 The current world era...
“We work in spirit of industrial battalion and received national order of merit for distinction
23/10/2006 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2006/OCTOBER /23 Dr. Nader Riad has...
Industrialist Nader Riad in private interview with “Alam El Mal” (World of Finance).
27/08/2006 Alam Al-Mal Newspaper 2006/AUGUST /27 In this article,...
In the First National Competition for Industrial Excellence:Bavaria Egypt Wins First place inMedium-Size Industries for Quality Excellence
01/12/2005 Regal Alamal Magazine 2005/DECEMBER /01 In this article,...
After receiving the excellence cup, Dr. Nader Riad says:“I do not accept coming in second”.
01/11/2005 Al-Handasia Magazine 2005/NOVEMBER /01 In this article, Dr....
Dr. Nader Riad, the Head of Board of Bavaria Egypt speaks to “Al Hawadeth” magazine
20/05/2005 Al-Hawadis Magazine 2005/MAY /20 In this article, a...
Squandering is the Coming Challenge
09/12/2004 Al-Shark Al-Awsat Newspaper 2004/DECEMBER /09 This article discusses...
Positive Results for Tax Abatement against Stagnation and Market Activation: SEC Chairman
06/10/2004 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2004/OCTOBER /06 In this article speaks...
“Alliance of the State with Industrialists and Businessmen Attends National Economy”
23/04/2004 Al-Hawadis Magazine 2004/APRIL /23 This article discusses the...
Small Industries and Great Expectations
05/10/2003 Al-Ahram Newspaper 2003/OCTOBER /05 This article highlights some...
Our Economy was able to remain firm in the face of many crises!
01/08/2003 Al-Felous Newspaper 2003/AUGUST /01 In this article, Dr....
Floating Exchange Rate Has Positive Consequences for Industry
28/03/2003 Al-Hawadis Magazine 2003/MARCH /28 Dr . Nader Riad...
In an interview with Al-Watany, Dr. Nader Riad:
28/07/2002 Watany Newspaper 2002/JULY /28 The Egyptian industry is...
Interview with Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman of Bavaria by Al Hawadeth
16/11/2001 Al-Hawadis Magazine 2001/NOVEMBER /16 Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman...
02/05/2001 Al-Shabab Magazine 2001/MAY /02 In this article, Al-Shabaab...
Conducting a telephone interview with the Chairman of “Bavaria Egypt” Company, Dr. Nader Riad
05/09/1998 Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1998/SEPTEMBER/05 In respect of the...
Dr. Nader Riad: Overcoming difficulties and achieving success
15/03/1998 Adam Al-Youm Magazine 1998/MARCH /15 My name is...
Nader Riad left Aviation Engineering for the Industrial safety equipment production
14/02/1998 Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1998/FEBRUARY /14 Dr. Nader Riad...
Interview with Dr. Nader Riad:Does privatization need funding?
05/08/1996 Rozelyosf Magazine 1996/AUGUST /05 As the march for...