Al-Gamahir Newspaper 2005/JULY /06
Dr. Nader Riad, “It is almost like Shakespeare’s “To Develop or not to Be”. At the individual level, there are Egyptian firms that took the initiative and went universal without waiting for the upcoming rival from abroad to compete with them at the local market. There are other companies that started to move on their path to cross the borders to universality”. ( Available in Arabic )
“The Egyptian industry should gird its loins and work to develop itself until achieving a comprehensive renaissance relying on basic principles the most important of which are Quality, marketing skill, securing international presence, achieving client’s full satisfaction and Development. Quality is a process that starts with the individual and extends to cover all the industrial details. Quality is the cause of all individuals whatever different their levels could be. Engineering commodities should comply with the standard specifications applied in the concerned markets. We are all partners in development and each party has its national role it should perform. There is also a duty on the economic unit and a duty on the government and its institutions. With each party well performing its role, the final products would improve and the contrary is correct.