Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 1997/OCTOBER /25

In this article, Dr.Nader Riad, Vice President of the Egyptian Society for the Protection of Intellectual Property, affirmed that the symposium on “the Protection of Intellectual Property from Arab and International Perspectives”, called for using scientific rather than commercial names of unprotected medications when placing them on the market in order to save the tax paid for using commercial names. (Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
In this article, Dr.Nader Riad, Vice President of the Egyptian Society for the Protection of Intellectual Property, affirmed that the symposium on “the Protection of Intellectual Property from Arab and International Perspectives”, called for using scientific rather than commercial names of unprotected medications when placing them on the market in order to save the tax paid for using commercial names. He also called for Egypt to abide by binding international agreements, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), pointing out the necessity of developing administrative complaint committees continuously to contain conflicts and of setting up specialized circuits in courts to settle intellectual rights-related conflicts.

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