Sunday, October 30, 2005
The company held the annual Ramadan Iftar for the workers in factories sector and department’s managers at the company on Sunday 30th October, Orchid Hall at Air Defense Hotel, Dr. Nader Riad, the Chairman and CEO and Mr. Amir Riad, Strategic Development and Operations Manager and a group of guests were attendants in this party.(Available in Arabic- German in PDF)
The party attendants include Mr. Dr. Fouad Iskander, Former Emigration Minister, Mr. Dr. Hamdy AlSayed, Chief of Doctors’ Syndicate and Parliament Member, Mr. Dr. Kamal Abuleid – Former Chairman of Industrial Development Bank, Mr. Eng. Ali Alsawah – Member of Bavaria Board, Mr. Motasem Rashed – Consultant at European Cooperation Center. The party inaugurated by a statemtn delivered by/ Dr. Hamdy AlSayed expressing his deep appreciation for all workers in Bavaria Company, at the top of them Dr. Nader Riad. AlSayed talked about his vision regarding the elements of National Democratic Party Program of Development and the program’s political, social and economic aspects. In his speech, Eng. Ali Alsawah expressed the feelings of appreciation among workers and praised the yearly achievements of the company. Mr. Motasem Rashed about unique wisdom and leadership features of Bavaria’s Head. In his word, Dr. Nader Riad gave thanks to all workers in the company and guests, pointing out that the achievements realized by the company, on top of which receiving the first position in the National Excellence prize, describing it as the most precious and the best in his career life. At the end of the party, Dr. Nader Riad distributed profits to workers at Factories Sector for the fiscal year 2004.