Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2007/NOVEMBER /10

President Mubarak makes his stand against the depleting oil reserves in announcing the use of nuclear energy. In addition, this paves the way for future investments in Egypt as we now stand on the world map. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
President Mubarak has been praised for his announcement against the depleting oil reserves, through the decision to enter Egypt into the nuclear energy age. Such an establishment will require eight to ten years; however it provides a positive indication for future investment. Studies have shown that the use of nuclear energy for the production of electricity is the cheapest option, in addition to its ability to provide sufficient electricity for the demands of society. Nevertheless, these are ambitious goals that require sufficient planning and preparation in order to efficiently seek the rewards, whilst ensuring that future generations are not impaired. “We have been waiting a long time for this.”

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