Al-Ahram Newspaper 2009/MAY /11
Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2009/MAY /09
A plan for the activation and dissemination of the culture of protecting intellectual property is expected to be launched within the coming period. Such is in response to the impelling necessity to protect Arab investments, whilst Dr. Riad addresses this matter in all its aspects. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The Federation for Protecting Intellectual Property Rights has prepared an integrated plan aimed to protect Arab innovations and inventions. The plan is expected to be launched within the coming period. Dr. Riad states the importance of protecting intellectual property as such leads to the protection on Arab investments, thus the matter has become an impelling necessity. In addition, he outlines the current achievements of the Federation; such includes the inauguration of regional branch in Jordan. In addition the Federation as assumed a vital role in establishing the rules of applying intellectual properties within the framework of Arab Member States’ interest.