Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2001/MAY /21

The world is currently going through an economic, political, and technological transformation. In this article, Dr. Nader Riad discusses the system needed for reforming the Egyptian Industries so that they can compete with the global market place. Education, modernizing research and development centers, quality control, privatization, and applying consumer protection and intellectual property rights are among the most important essentials needed in order for Egypt to be able to exist on the market along the sides of the US, Europe and Asia. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The world is currently going through a complete transformation. Globally, economics, politics, technology, and a countries place in the world are affecting the daily lives of all its inhabitants. Many countries have yet to improve their standing within this global market place. Dr. Nader Riad, Counselor at the People’s Assembly Industry & Engineering Committee, has outlined the goals Egypt’s needs to enhance and develop in order to compete with the developed global market which included the US, Europe, and Asia. It is imperative that Egypt focuses on the research and development of its industries. These fundamentals begin with education. Currently, the education system is inadequate in order to compete with advanced nations. Opening trade schools that focus on particular areas of work is important to successfully entering these industries. New schools and universities will have to be created in order to efficiently teach future generations so that it is embedded into their every day life. Dr, Riad also stated how important it is for the Egyptian government to quickly enforce intellectual property right laws so that outside industries are comfortable entering the Egyptian market. This not only secures the outside market, but it solidifies Egypt as a member state which abides by local and international laws protecting those who are holders of intellectual property rights. These and many other subjects will give Egypt the necessary tools to continue succeeding in global commerce and trade.

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