
Regulating the gas cylinder industry, which is an issue debated in the parliament, should involve defining the role of the Egyptian General Standardization Authority and ensuring that certain specifications are met during the life cycle of the gas cylinder to protect human life. ( Available in Arabic )
The increasing rate of accidents caused by gas cylinders has driven the parliament to discuss means to regulate their industry. This should involve the stages of the life cycle of the cylinder, which, according to the law, are supervised by the Egyptian General Standardization and Quality Control Authority. However, its role suffers from shortcomings; most importantly, its supervisory role is governed by outdated specifications. Besides, there’s a need to discern the roles of Petrogas and the Standardization Authority, the latter being the representative of the state. Besides, certain conditions should be met for better safety. These include indicating compliance with the specifications of the production process, expiry date and insurance coverage.

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