Al-Alam Alyom Newspaper 2008/AUGUST /02

The transportation sector is one of the key pillars of infrastructure of any nation, thus it is crucial that the Egyptian Railway is modernized. We need to determine our priorities in order to face the present and future challenges. A report prepared by Dr. Nader Riad expresses the importance of such development in order for Egypt to move forward in line with other nations. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
A report prepared by Dr. Nader Riad expresses the importance of the modernization of the Egyptian Railway. This form of transport plays a vital and positive role in the economies of various nations. We must be able to cope with the changes in modern technology in order to be recognized as a developing country . In addition, this railway provides many services which have the potential to be enhanced, thus this new development is crucial. There are many positive outcomes that can arise, which are discussed in detail throughout this article. In addition, there is a proposal for the establishment of a hotel inside the property of the Egyptian Railway, and the establishment of enhanced mail services.

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