Rozelyosf Magazine 1996/AUGUST /05

As the march for economic reform and correcting the Egyptian economy continues, the concept of privatization has appeared as one of the pivots that may represent a base for a sound economic structure that is capable of providing job opportunities, raising the standards of living, and improving production and service performance. In regards to privatization and the possible tools that may be adopted in order to make optimum use of privatization, an interview was conducted with Dr. Nader Riad, chairman of Bavaria-Egypt and an industry expert, in order to learn about his opinions on this issue.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
As the march for economic reform and correcting the Egyptian economy continues, the concept of privatization has appeared as one of the pivots that may represent a base for a sound economic structure that is capable of providing job opportunities, raising the standards of living, and improving production and service performance. In regards to privatization and the possible tools that may be adopted in order to make optimum use of privatization, an interview was conducted with Dr. Nader Riad, chairman of Bavaria-Egypt and an industry expert, in order to learn about his opinions on this issue. Dr. Nader Riad stated that there is no doubt the issue of privatization is vital. Its importance stems from the fact that it will ultimately achieve economic success. In addition, he stated, it stops at a juncture that is both old and modern.

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