Al-Ahram Newspaper 2009/JUNE /01
Dr. Nader Riad talks about protecting intellectual property rights and the fundamental role this plays in attracting investments and, therefore, boosting development. In this regard, he also talks about the Arab Federation for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights – which he chairs – its main activity, its achievements and its goals for 2009. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
Dr. Nader Riad talks about protecting intellectual property rights. He explains such protection is fundamental to attract more investments and therefore boost development, thus bringing benefits to everyone. In this regard, he talks about the Arab Federation for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, which he chairs. He outlines its so far short history, illustrates the activities it has been carrying out, its goals for 2009, and how it intends to achieve them. He shows the evolution of the industrial system in Egypt over the past few decades, and talks about his personal experience in Germany and how he started his lifetime journey in the world of industry.